Monday, March 12, 2012

Cheap Beats By Dre Can U Wth My Nokia N82

cheap beats by dre can u wth my Nokia N82

These beats solo ar truely th best, The sound that mes out f thm is rally clear, yeah I d admint tht to hav the full experience ou will ned t hve our tracks at

340kbps or higher. As alot of my 128kbps - 256kps jut sound average and t compressed (which the are). I nl had the Cheap beats by dre to u wth my Nokia N82, I did find tht

sound coming from m N82 sounded much bettr thn me Ipod touch, Believe t r not, Music sounded much fuller and mor bass.

But anyway, Yes ths are ver pricey, I managed t gt mine fr 170 but i would hav paid 280 the retail price if i had to, th reason i gt them was mr down to th fact

they hd "Dr Dre" nam on thm nt t hw good the were. (although the ar alot bettr thn expected)

One problem i d have, that when using th handsfree wire th cheap beats studio constatly click (sound comming ut of the headphones) s i dont understand why t de this, Might just be down t my Nokia N82.

dr dre headphones folding hindges r gtting looser

Also time is ging on im finding the folding hindges r gtting looser evr week, But i do ue them fr mr that 4 hours evry single day.

Oh nothr good thing, ive hd them for but month now, and onl hd t change the battarys onece.

Over all the ar th best, i do not regret buying them, m tempted t but the n ear n aswell nw

I ust wanted t write a vry short and sweet review to nyne who onsdring spending beats dr dre headphones 270 n ths cheap beats solo. There s n incredible ammount f hype but them and whn beats by dr dre headphones i gt thm fr christmas i ust couldnt wait t tear the wrapper off. However i ws very dissapointed when i found tht thes hugely hyped " Massive Bass" headphones are actually not as good a my bose on ears whh cost m lmot thr times less.

I wuld sa if yur lokng fr an amazing pair of beats headphones thn th bose on ears all the way. Monster beats are too designer fr my liking beats studio and re more but loks nd glamour thn th actual music.

The thing i d lke about the beats thugh th sound cancelling, it s vry good, hwver i hav nt have trd bose quiet comforts or any other noise cancelling headphones i cant rell compare them to anythng else.

Great beats studio but littl to pricey for m liking and beats by dr dre headphones theres thr that re much better fr muh much less.

If ou'r lokng for excellent sound quality fr n amazing price, lok no further. The Beats b Dre Solos ar a great valu for th money spent. They fold tgethr and fit

into the case fr outstanding portability. I us them whnvr I go on trips with m family r whn I'm hanging ut at my house.

beats headphones are much better buy thn the studios

I've heard from sme people that these headphones r cheap and they break ver often. However, i hve had no problems wth thm bau i alwys ke thm in the case when 'm not usng them. The reason I believe that man people's solos break beaus thy dn't tk care of them.

I blive tht the solos are much better buy thn the studios bcau th are much lighter and mre portable. Unless u work in a music studio i would recommend th solos

over th studios. These Cheap beats by dre are perfect fr vry use

These headphones r amazing! if you dont hv the extra cash fr the Studios these r n excellent alternative. lthugh thy r expensive i belve the are worth the price.

A few problems though s i m atull on my 3rd set of thm sooo th built quality isnt ll tht fantastic. th rubber headband piece h popped off numerous times nd the

beats by dre reviews adjuster m to slide dwn frequently. but th Pros out weigh the cons

What's great abut it: Comfortable, amazing sound, jut look sweetWhat's nt great: Material quality, a bit pricey for dr dre headphones.

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